Sunday, January 26

8:45 AM Orthros

10:00 AM Divine Liturgy

11:40 AM Sunday School

Tuesday, January 28

5:30 PM Parish Council Meeting

Wednesday, January 29

No Paraclesis

5:30 PM Junior Choir Practice

6:00 PM Teen Choir Practice 

Thursday, January 30

8:30 AM Orthros

9:30 AM Divine Liturgy - Synaxis of the Three Hierarchs

5:45 PM Adult Choir Practice

Saturday, February 1

5:00 PM Great Vespers



  • Welcome Visitors! We extend a warm welcome to visitors worshiping with us today. We would like to remind you that Holy Eucharist is reserved for those who have been baptized and/or Chrismated in the Orthodox Church and have prepared themselves to receive the Eucharist.
  • Protecting our Youth – Holy Trinity is committed to the safety of all our parishioners, and especially our youth. Protecting our children is our top priority, and we strictly adhere to the youth protection guidelines set forth from our Archdiocese.  Parents, please do not allow your children to roam freely throughout the church and be sure to always accompany them to the restroom or anywhere on the campus (i.e., to the nursery, Sunday School, fellowship hall, etc.). While in Church, they must be under your direct supervision at all times.  We appreciate everyone’s assistance in ensuring the safety of our children!
  • Nursery - While all children are encouraged to participate in the Divine Liturgy, we recognize the challenge that parents face when their children become restless or noisy during the service. As a reminder, there is a nursery located off of the Narthex area in the Cathedral.  In consideration of our clergy and parishioners who are trying to worship, please use the nursery for a few minutes until your child has calmed down and can re-enter the sanctuary.
  • Save the Date - Young at Heart Valentine’s Celebration! Please join us on Saturday, February 8th, at 12:00 PM, in the Coffee Hour Room of the Angelo Tsiantis Hellenic Center for fun, games, and delicious food!  Ages 55 and older.  If you can attend, make your reservation by calling the Church Office at (803) 252-6758.
  • Church Bookstore - You are invited to visit our Holy Trinity bookstore located adjacent to the Coffee Hour Room.  It is open after Divine Liturgy on Sundays during our Fellowship Coffee Hour.  In addition to a fine selection of books and icons, you will find a variety of other items including prayer ropes, bracelets, incense, and charcoal.  Please stop by and browse today!
  • Stewardship Information - Stewardship materials have been mailed. If you do not receive them, contact the Church Office to ensure you’re on the mailing list.  There is a new format for our Commitment Card; please take the time to complete and return it to the Church Office as soon as possible.
  • Apokries Celebration - The Daughters of Penelope will be hosting an Apokries Celebration fundraiser this year on Saturday, February 22nd, from 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM. Tickets can be purchased for $25 during coffee hour (beginning 1/19).  Kids 12 and under are free.  Thanks in advance for your support!

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   A Guide to the Iconography

The Adornment Of Our Beautiful Sanctuary